named: how to disable ipv6 lookups on windows 10?

Lee ler762 at
Fri Sep 1 22:31:10 UTC 2017

I have Verizon FIOS - which doesn't do IPv6 :(   So I've turned off
IPv6 on my Win10 machine ('ipconfig /all' now doesn't say anything
about IPv6) but I still get a *lot* of network unreachable msgs in the
log - eg:
01-Sep-2017 17:23:13.721 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '': 2001:502:7094::30#53
01-Sep-2017 17:23:13.721 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '': 2001:500:d937::30#53
Says to use the "-4" option to have named only use IPv4, but how to
specify that option?

If I run services.msc & double click on "ISC BIND" it opens up a
window that has 'start parameters' greyed out, so I can't add it
I tried using regedit to add " -4" to the program name
so the path to the executable for ISC BIND was 'c:\program
files\bind9\named.exe -4'
but I still got all those log messages.

How to tell named not to use ipv6?
& failing that, how to not log all those 'error (network unreachable)
resolving [ipv6 address]' messages while still logging everything


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