What is wrong with my second $ORIGIN

Harshith Mulky harshith.mulky at outlook.com
Thu Sep 14 07:02:52 UTC 2017

Hello Experts,

Whats wrong with my second $ORIGIN here:

$ORIGIN lab.example.com.
$TTL 1d
@     IN      SOA     colombo root.lab.example.com.  (
                                      2003022720 ; Serial
                                      56800      ; Refresh
                                      14400      ; Retry
                                      3600000    ; Expire
                                      2h )    ; Min

;NS Records
@              IN      NS      ns1.lab.example.com.
@              IN      NS      ns2.lab.example.com.
mail           IN      NS      ns1.mail.lab.example.com

;A Records
ns1            IN      A
ns2            IN      A

$ORIGIN mail.lab.example.com.
ns1            IN      A

When I try this

named-checkzone lab.example.com lab.example.zone
zone lab.example.com/IN: mail.lab.example.com/NS 'ns1.mail.lab.example.com.lab.example.com' has no address records (A or AAAA)
zone lab.example.com/IN: loaded serial 2003022720

named-checkzone is saying it is fine

But why do I get error/warning like

zone lab.example.com/IN: mail.lab.example.com/NS 'ns1.mail.lab.example.com.lab.example.com' has no address records (A or AAAA)

My Bind version is: bind-9.9.5P1-2.2.2.x86_64

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