Cached negative responses

Chris Thompson cet1 at
Fri Dec 21 13:11:31 UTC 2018

On Dec 20 2018, Marc Richter wrote:

> When checking the BIND XML statistics I see the following in the "Cache DB
> RRsets" section, which I think
> could be the reason for the high memory usage:
> !AAAA   18446744073709551559
> !A6     18446744073709551607
> Is this an overflow on the counter for these negative responses in Cache, or
> could there really be that many objects in the cache ?

Assuming these were output as uint64_t but then reinterpreting them as
int64_t, they are very *small* negative numbers, -57 and -9 respectively.
I suspect something other than overflow is responsible.

Chris Thompson
Email: cet1 at

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