disable dnssec for particular domain

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Thu Feb 8 09:12:18 UTC 2018

On 08.02.18 19:12, Mark Andrews wrote:
>You break a chain of trust by proving there is a insecure delegation.

that should be expected :-) 

and in case of private/internal domain even logical - it's not useful to
push DS records to parent, and even possible with 2 versions of the same

>NXDOMAIN is not a delegation.

>The point on OPTOUT is to allow the parent zone to add and remove
>insecure delegations without resigning.

shouldn't that cause validation to stop?

Or, if NXDOMAIN is processed before OPTOUT, should the TLD contain insecure
validation so it could be ignored and internal zone would be used?

>> On 7 Feb 2018, at 11:26 pm, Tony Finch <dot at dotat.at> wrote:
>> Pruned debug logs...
>> validating testa.eu/DS: looking for closest encloser
>> validating testa.eu/DS: NSEC3 QBQ65Q6097OCPPR0EUCQNSC1FHE073UA indicates potential closest encloser: 'eu'
>> validating testa.eu/DS: NSEC3 QBQ65Q6097OCPPR0EUCQNSC1FHE073UA at super-domain eu
>> validating testa.eu/DS: NSEC3 GLIBHU0LF7IH1TGCCS68E3R5508AKBFR proves name does not exist: 'testa.eu'
>> validating testa.eu/DS: NSEC3 GLIBHU0LF7IH1TGCCS68E3R5508AKBFR indicates optout
>> validating testa.eu/DS: NSEC3 4EIKQ8ORL4U4NTG72QEDRA6P3NDA1UNC proves name does not exist: '*.eu'
>> validating testa.eu/DS: in checkwildcard: *.eu
>> validating testa.eu/DS: NEEDNODATA = 0
>> validating testa.eu/DS: FOUNDNODATA = 0
>> validating testa.eu/DS: FOUNDOPTOUT = 1
>> validating testa.eu/DS: NEEDNOQNAME = 1
>> validating testa.eu/DS: FOUNDNOQNAME = 1
>> validating testa.eu/DS: NEEDNOWILDCARD = 1
>> validating testa.eu/DS: FOUNDNOWILDCARD = 1
>> validating testa.eu/DS: FOUNDCLOSEST = 1
>> validating testa.eu/DS: nonexistence proof(s) found
>> Looks OK so far...
>> fctx 0x7f1a5bfc1a10(testa.eu/DS): nonexistence validation OK
>> validating testa.eu/SOA: in dsfetched2: ncache nxdomain
>> validating testa.eu/SOA: resuming proveunsecure
>> validating testa.eu/SOA: insecurity proof failed
>> Then it goes pear-shaped.
>> Aha! I think what's happening here is that BIND is expecting a NODATA
>> response, to indicate that there is a delegation without a DS record.
>> (For an example, `dig +dnssec +multiline europa.eu ds)
>> However the validator gets an NXDOMAIN response claiming the domain
>> doesn't exist at all. But this is an opt-out NXDOMAIN so it is not a
>> proof. Nevertheless the validator believes it, and is convinced that it
>> has not proved the NODATA that it was expecting to prove, so it tells
>> itself it has not found an insecure delegation.
>> This is a tricky case. You can argue convincingly either way whether it is
>> a bug or not, I think. Even if it is a bug, fixing it is not going to
>> solve your problem any time soon - you need a pragmatic operational
>> solution.
>> What you should do is add some nameservers to the registration (serving an
>> empty zone or something), so that the .eu nameservers return a NODATA
>> response instead of an NXDOMAIN response. Then your private zone will
>> work.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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