SERVFAIL on IPv6 tunnelbroker network

Patrik alabard at
Wed Jul 25 10:08:24 UTC 2018

Thank you very much.
So what do you mean "internal-enp1s0f3" view is configured to bump this
Is this a setting?

It looks like this for my views:
view "internal-enp1s0f3" {
    match-clients { "internal-enp1s0f3"; };
    match-recursive-only yes;
    recursion yes;
    allow-recursion { "internal-enp1s0f3"; };

    notify yes;
    allow-update { none; };
    allow-query { any; };
    allow-transfer { xfer; };
    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";

    zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zones/enp1s0f3/";
        include "/var/lib/samba/private/named.conf.update";

    zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zones/enp1s0f3/";

    include "/var/lib/samba/private/named.conf";


view "internal-enp1s0f2" {
    match-clients { "internal-enp1s0f2"; };
    match-recursive-only yes;
    recursion yes;
    allow-recursion { "internal-enp1s0f2"; };
     notify yes;
    allow-update { none; };
    allow-query { any; };
    allow-transfer { xfer; };

    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";

    zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zones/enp1s0f2/";
//        include "/var/lib/samba/private/named.conf.update";

    zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zones/enp1s0f2/";

//    include "/var/lib/samba/private/named.conf";


view "external" {
    match-clients { any; };

    recursion no;
    additional-from-auth no;
    additional-from-cache no;

//    allow-transfer { any; }; // temporarily allowed for debugging purposes
    allow-transfer { none; };

//    zone "" IN {
//        type master;
//        file "/etc/bind/zones/";
//    };

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