clean up an ddns zone

Meike Stone meike.stone at
Fri Mar 23 17:32:48 UTC 2018


at the moment, I use ISC dhcpd to register all client names in the DNS
(Bind) via isc's ddns api. Every thing is working well.
But now, some notebook clients should get company access via UMTS or
VPN. In this case, a radius server is controlling the IP addresses,
not the ISC dhcpd.
So no update in the zone is placed, if the client gets connected via
UMTS or vpn.
The Idea is, to configure the clients to register themself via
GSS-TSIG in the Bind DNS zone, so in any situation, an update is made.

But how does I get cleaned up the records of the clients in their zone
if the lease time is over.

Is there any possibility, maybe that the clients send their lease time
and the Bind does delete the RR (like isc it would do), if the lease
time is over and if no ddns refresh was made?

(I tried to understand Microsofts scavenging process and got scared
about that complexity.)

Thanks Meike

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