DNS primary and secondary receiveing queries at the same time

Roberto Carna robertocarna36 at gmail.com
Thu May 17 14:06:50 UTC 2018

Hi people, I've implemented two BIND9 servers for my company, one as
primary public DNS server and the other as secondary public DNS

I always believed that all the client queries coming from Internet go
to the DNS primary server, and if it is down, just in this case go to
the DNS secondary server.

But it seems it is different than I believed....when I see the query
log file in primary and secondary DNS servers, I can see queries
coming from Internet in both servers....in other words, the two DNS
servers are being contacted all the time.

Is there any way to make DNS clients from Internet always contact my
primary DNS server and just if it is down the clients must contact the
secondary DNS server ???

Special thanks !!!


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