Understanding TTL in "rndc dumpdb"-output

Michał Kępień michal at isc.org
Tue Oct 23 08:25:01 UTC 2018

> After querying my resolver for "testbla11.example.com", I receive a NXDOMAIN
> response with a minimum-ttl (in the soa) of 3600.
> When I afterwards dump the cache of my resolver (9.12.2-P1) with "rndc
> dumpdb" and look for the negative ttl, then a value much bigger than 3600 is
> shown (608363):
> # grep testbla /var/named/data/named_dump.db
> testbla11.example.com.	608363	\-ANY	;-$NXDOMAIN
> This number decrements every second.
> What is this number? The same behavior for positive answers too. The
> A-record for "www.google.com" has a TTL for 300 seconds. In the "rndc
> dumpdb"-output I have a value for 605082.

This happens due to the serve-stale feature being available in BIND 9.12
and later, with max-stale-ttl set to 604800 by default (note that this
does *not* mean serving stale answers is enabled by default).  The TTLs
you are seeing in the cache dump essentially indicate how much longer
any given record will be kept in the cache database.  The serve-stale
"offset" is indicated in a comment near the top of the dump; I am fairly
sure it will say "; using a 604800 second stale ttl" in your case.

Best regards,
Michał Kępień

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