Dumb Question is an A or AAAA record required?

Anand Buddhdev anandb at ripe.net
Thu Jul 9 15:06:13 UTC 2020

On 09/07/2020 16:06, Matthew Richardson wrote:

> On a related issues there were (perhaps long ago) issues if the A record
> for a domain had an SMTP server on it, where email could sometimes be
> delivered to that A record rather than the MX.  I had (again long ago:
> 10-15 years) actually seen this occur.

Note that *delivery* will only happen if that A record were actually 
listening on tcp/25 and accepting SMTP connections. No-one should be 
opening up the SMTP port on a server meant to serve only HTTP(S) 
traffic. Anyone who does that deserves what they get for making such 
poor decisions.


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