Zone has 0 SOIA records

@lbutlr kremels at
Mon Apr 12 22:19:23 UTC 2021

On 12 Apr 2021, at 07:04, Matthijs Mekking <matthijs at> wrote:
> Perhaps inspect the zone file?

Ah, since it is named localhost-reverse.db I assumed it was not plain txtm but some db format.

$TTL 3600       ; 1 hour              IN SOA  localhost. nobody.localhost. (
                                48         ; serial
                                86400      ; refresh (1 day)
                                43200      ; retry (12 hours)
                                604800     ; expire (1 week)
                                10800      ; minimum (3 hours)
                        NS      localhost.
                        CDS     0 0 0 (
                                00 )
                        CDNSKEY 0 3 0 (
                                ) ; ZSK; alg = 0 ; key id = 768
$ORIGIN PTR localhost.
1                       PTR     localhost.

That looks… very wrong. I wonder what happened. OK, storing that file from backup too.

> Also the CDS/CDNSKEY consistency checks stick out. Perhaps remove them from the unsigned zone files?

Yeah, I don't know what happened to these files; they should be the default ones FreeBSD makes )they are, now, once again)

Thank you so much, I would never have found that.

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