Why did my DNS bill go up?

Andrew P. andrewemt at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 14 12:22:51 UTC 2022

Greetings, all.

I had a surprise on the bill from my secondary DNS provider after I turned on DNSSEC. The number of record queries on my domains increased by a factor of about 5, compared to the number of record queries when I didn't have DNSSEC. Is this normal for DNSSEC? It's been a consistent significantly higher query level since deploying DNSSEC 3 months ago on 2 small domains (total of 120 records across the two domains), and it was 57 new RRSIG, DNSKEY, and NSEC3PARAM records added the domains for the DNSSEC.

The average number of attacks per day on my webserver (according to the server logs) does not appear to have increased since the DNSSEC deployment.

This is for the ka2ddo.org and ka2ddo.radio domains.

So, is DNSSEC really that much more costly in terms of queries?

Andrew Pavlin

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