Changing from t3b to t4b signer

Olafur Gudmundsson ogud at
Mon Sep 27 20:31:33 UTC 1999

Edward Lewis writes:
 > There is a change in the way 8.2.2.-t3b's signer and 8.2.2.-t4b's signer
 > parse the SIG record.  The impact of this is that a signed master file
 > generated by t3b ('s signer) will produce parsing errors when t4b reads it.
 > (Specifically, reporting that the TTL field won't fit into 8 bits, for
 > larger sizes of TTL's.)
 > The fix to this is to delete all SIG records from the master file (via a
 > text editor) and then use the file as input.  Don't worry about the NXT or
 > other records, the signer will make whatever other changes are required.

Or you can use the attached awk program that handles all "well formed"
signatures and all names that do not include . as non label separator. 


-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
-- File: add_labels.awk
-- Desc: add_labels.awk

# A simple awk script to make sure SIG records contain the label count in
# text format 
# This program handles:
#     $ORIGIN lines.
#     lines starting with a name
#     lines starting with @  
#     special rule for label count for wild card records
# Not handled: 
#     names where . is not a label separator ! 
# Author: Olafur Gudmundsson ogud at
# Date:  1999-Sept

	tail = substr(".",1,1);
	name = 0;  # name not seen

# processing of $ORIGIN directive
/^\$ORIGIN/ {
	olab = split($2,list,"."); 
	if (substr($2,length($2),1) == tail)

# all new names start at beginning of a line and must start with an
# alpanumeric character or the special two characters @ and *
/^[a-zA-Z0-9\*@]/ {
	name = $1;
	if (name == "@")
		lab = olab;  
	else {  # normal name ? 
		lab = split(name,list,".");
		lastc = substr(name,length(name),1);
#		printf "#split %d %s+%s!=%s\n", lab, list[lab-1], lastc,tail;
		if (lastc != tail)  # this is not FQDN  add origin to it
		  lab += olab;
		if (substr(name, 1, 1) == "*")  # wildcard name decrement
#	printf "# found name %s %d\n", name, lab;

# now process the SIG records there are following fields on the line
# [name] <TTL> IN SIG  <alg> [<labels>] <OTTL> <expiry> <start> <keyid> <signer> (
/ IN /&&/ SIG /{
	if ((name == 0) && (NF == 11)) { # labels missing assuming no name on line
		$5 = $5  " " lab;
		printf "\t\t\t%s\n", $0;
	else if((name != 0) && (NF==12)) { # name on line 
		$6 = $6  " " lab;

	print $0; # print out current line
	name = 0;

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