Will auto-dnssec perform full KSK rollovers?

Patrick H. Piper ppiper at netlinxinc.com
Wed Feb 17 15:12:32 UTC 2010

When testing auto-dnssec set to maintain, I am seeing the keys get adjusted
according to their -R <revoke_time> -I <inactive_time> and -D <delete_time>.
Should I also see new KSKs be generated and used in the signing process? Or
do you have to manually drop in new keys? It wasn't clear to me what should

My named.conf file has the following... 

zone "example.net" {
        auto-dnssec maintain;
        type master;
        update-policy local;
        file "dynamic/example.net/example.net";
        key-directory "dynamic/example.net"; 

And as I said, when I build Keys, they automatically sign the zone at named
startup. I see them age out, and removed from the zone, but I don't see any
evidence that new Keys are generated to re-sign the zone. 


Patrick H. Piper
ppiper at netlinxinc.com
435-649-3367 (office)    |    980-721-7694 (cell)

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