Source code materials and explantaions

Itay Alayoff itayala at
Fri Apr 17 11:25:40 UTC 2020

My name is Itay and I'm an MSc student in computer science at Ben
Gurion University.
As part of my thesis I want to check out new eviction policies for Bind's
I am relatively new to the project but I have been sitting on its code for
a while now. I still have many gaps in my understanding that make it
difficult for me to implement basic things in the code.
Are there any materials on the code itself other than the comments in the
code and the files contained in the Design folder? I look for materials on
the existing functions in rbtdb.c and resolver.c.
Right now, I want to try to implement a case where rdataset does not
cached. I generated random number (between 0 to 1) in the beginning of the
function addrdataset (rbtdb.c) and added the condition that if the value of
the generated number less than 0.5 than I do not continue the function and
return ISC_R_SUCCESS. The change creates errors in the code in the function
fctx_sendevents. I tried to debug the errors and understand the caching
process but because of the gaps I mentioned before it makes it difficult
for me.
I would be happy for any help in understanding the caching process.
Thanks in advance

Itay Alayoff
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