bench marking

kalyanasundaram s.kalyanasundaram at
Wed Dec 20 05:26:47 UTC 2006

  Does anyone has done dhcp benchmarking already. What are the
measurement variables you have considered? How did u measure those
parameters. I will be happy if somebody has done something earlier.

some time back David has started some thread, i would like to continue
on that.

>Naturally the first thing I thought of was disk performance: how
>many fsync()s per second, and the usual advice about prepending
>a "-" to your log file names in /etc/syslog.conf on the Linuxes,
>reducing drive activity, etc.  The idea being not to use a
>regular local disk, but rather a more capable write-back array
>or even a solid-state disk on a battery.

 What are the other parameters generally considered for dhcp benchmarking other than the disk?.

>I happened to have a dual opteron system with 4GB of RAM and
>a nice (old) 10-spindle raid array whose PCI controller uses a
>battery backed-up cache (so it is write-back).

I hope i dont have anything do to with RAID.

>Some datapoints, then.  First, fsyncs per second (after writing
>a fairly average sized lease structure first, every entry in one
>of the lease databases one of you users has donated to me over
>the years):

>  Laptop Hard Drive:					40
>  Mylex ExtremeRAID (DAC960 derivative) w/battery:	400
>  RAMdisk:						34,966

>That doesn't sync up with the "4-7 leases per second" benchmark
>we hear off and on when someone visits us to report that ISC
>DHCP severely underpforms Windows' (which does not sync its
>lease db before answering clients).

So the fsync is done automatically? or we need to configure something to make it for every second?. 

>So I created a very synthetic benchmark: I altered the DHCP IO
>subsystem to pass down a manufactured DHCP DISCOVER and REQUEST
>packet that I had foreknowledge the server would answer a
>specific way.  Infinite looped it, then counted replies.  The
>result is an infinite DISCOVER/OFFER/REQUEST/ACK, and all of
>the server's code is excercised (minus the read() to pull the
>packet off the socket - one less system call).

>This was easier at that moment than constructing a daemon to
>spam dhcp client requests.

Pretty interesting.. I was looking for this one. What is the DHCP IO Subsystem? 

>I went straight for the high performance subsystems.  (Plus, this benchmark
>isn't very usable on the laptop (packet flooding the broadcast
>  Mylex ExtremeRAID:	160 packets per second (in+out)
>  RAMdisk:		10,000 packets per second (in+out)

>That's packets per second, so you'd have to halve the numbers
>to get queries/responses numbers, then halve again to get
>offer vs. ack (1 out of every 4 packets is one of these).

>So that's 40 offers and 40 acks, 2,500 offers and 2,500 acks
>respectively, per second.

These are scaled values for dchp? I mean expected values in high performing systems.

>Removing the DISCOVERs and going straight for the REQUEST's (I
>knew this lease was active in the db, so I knew it would work):
>  Mylex ExtremeRAID:	85 packets per second (in+out)
>  RAMdisk:		8,500 packets per second (in+out)
>That's curious.  I expected ~80 on the RAID array.  Fsync() is
>the limiting factor after all, and we do that only on the
>requests, so I'd expect to get half the previous number.  But
>8,500 is not half of 10,000...that's odd.

>Going back to compare fsync()s/s with requests/s:
>  Laptop hard drive:	40	4-7?
>  Mylex ExtremeRAID:	400	40-42
>  RAMdisk A:		34,966	2,500 (discover/offer/request/ack)
>  RAMdisk B:		34,966	4,250 (request/ack)
>So actual performance is (very) approximately 10% of the fsync()
>rate, until you get into the very high number of leases per
>second, at which point it is coupled at an even higher 12.2%.
>If you are only serving clients in INIT state (or assuming some
>worst case), it's lower at 7.2%.  I'm guessing CPU starvation
>is the cause, but I haven't had the time to repeat the test and

>I wouldn't have expected there to be a curve there (or if there
>was a curve, I expected it to go only down, as other non-fsync
>related limitations took over as the new bottlenecks and faster
>fsyncs mattered less and less).

>But both of those are still smaller numbers than I'd previously

if anybody has done something related on this please let me know. 

Thanks for your all help,

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