DHCPD not recording static IP address leases. - Trying again.

Jeff Wieland wieland at purdue.edu
Thu Mar 16 15:51:51 UTC 2006

The static assignments don't get recorded in the leases file.  There is a
patch floating around that will allow this to happen.  We use syslog to
record all DHCP activity -- it's easier to parse through IMHO than the
leases file, although it doesn't record the lease times (although that
might be configurable).

Brent L. Bates wrote:
>      I was wondering about that.  For some reason, the email list server
> deleted the entire contents of my message, except for my signature.  I'll try
> again.  This time with out my signature.
>      I don't know if this is a bug, feature, or if I just haven't configured
> dhcpd correctly, but our static/fixed IP address leases are not being recorded
> in the dhcpd.leases file.  We have a `subnet' set up of our class C IP
> addresses and we have a part of that as a `range' for leases.  Dynamic clients
> get IP addresses from the range with out problems and record their leases in
> the dhcpd.leases file.  We have about a dozen hosts that we give fixed IP
> addresses based on their MAC address.  None of these are recorded in the
> dhcpd.leases file.  The `host' entries look like this:
>    host hostname {
>       hardware ethernet MAC_address;
>       fixed-address IP_address;
>       default-lease-time 2592000;       # 30 Days
>    }
>      The IP addresses in the `host' sections are not in the range given by the
> `range' option.  The server complained when it was.
>      We'd like to have one file we can check to see what leases have been
> given out and when.
>      We're running all of this on a system running Scientific Linux 3.0.5 with
> kernel 2.4.21-37 (this OS is based on Redhat Linux 3.0.5).  We're running the
> lastest DHCP server, 3.0.4b3.
>      Thanks for any help.

           Jeff Wieland            |          Purdue University
    Network Systems Administrator  |         IT-I UNIX Platforms
        Voice: (765)496-8234       |       401 South Grant Street
         FAX: (765)496-1380        |    West Lafayette, IN 47907-1061

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