Is this supposed to happen?

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Wed Nov 15 07:55:42 UTC 2006

Steven wrote:

>Running ZenWalk 2.8 here. Installed and configured dhclient with no
>problems, I can run it and connect to the Internet. I'm hooked up directely
>to a cable modem, Comcast.
>After some arbitrary period of time I lose my connection however, appears to
>have something to do with lease renewal? If so how can I run dhclient and
>stay connected? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

We might be able to help if we had something to go on !

Is the time before losing your connection arbitrary (and random) or a 
fixed period ?

Does this period relate to the lease time your client has been given ?

Is anything logged (by dhclient or anything else) when you lose your 
connection ?

Does re-running dhclient get you reconnected ? Do you get the same address ?

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