Fwd: Please help DHCP server

Glenn Satchell Glenn.Satchell at uniq.com.au
Thu Nov 30 10:22:57 UTC 2006

>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 15:01:24 -0800
>From: me_hendrix <mrinalr at gmail.com>
>To: dhcp-users at isc.org
>Subject: Re: Fwd: Please help DHCP server
>I have tried...giving the full path but it does not work...
>i am stuck on this for a long time now...can someone please gimme some
>heres the screen shot (copied one)
>Baba at Mrinal /cygdrive/d/dhcpcygwin/dhcp-3.0.1rc11
>$ ls
>ANONCVS         Makefile.conf  common     dst                 relay
>CHANGES         Makefile.dist  configure  example-dhcpd.conf  server
>COPYRIGHT       README         contrib    includes            site.conf
>CYGWIN-PATCHES  RELNOTES       dhcpctl    minires             tests
>Makefile        client         doc        omapip              work.cygwin
>Baba at Mrinal /cygdrive/d/dhcpcygwin/dhcp-3.0.1rc11
>$ cd /usr
>Baba at Mrinal /usr
>$ ls
>X11R6  doc             i686-pc-mingw32  info  local  sbin   src
>bin    i686-pc-cygwin  include          lib   man    share  tmp
>Baba at Mrinal /usr
>$ cd sbin
>Baba at Mrinal /usr/sbin
>$ ls
>alternatives.exe  bigram.exe     dhcpd        frcode.exe  rmt.exe
>backup            code.exe       dhcrelay     makewhatis
>backup.sh         cygserver.exe  dump-remind  restore
>Baba at Mrinal /usr/sbin
>$ dhcpd -t
>bash: dhcpd: command not found

It's not like DOS, in that Unix (and cygwin) do not automatically look
for a command in the current directory. Therefore try this:

cd /usr/sbin
./dhcpd -t


/usr/sbin/dhcpd -t

If neither of those work then it is likely that either dhcpd or cygwin
is not installed correctly.


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