a small comment on isc dhcp

Luc T. taoh666 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 28 15:20:16 UTC 2007

I do think it is more important to start the service even with minor mistakes than just stucking there (For example, if duplicate host names are found, rather than stucking there, one of them can be chosen and others ignored). Maybe the last good configuration can be used as well. This will bring convenience for administration, specially if there are a couple of persons who all have the right to change the configuration files and stop start the service. 
  It is understood that test option can be used to check the syntax.What if one is modifying the files, and the other is restarting the service (assuming that the first person began modifying configuration files right after the other has finished check syntax)?
Simon Hobson <dhcp1 at thehobsons.co.uk> wrote:
  Luc T. wrote:
>one big problem of isc dhcp is that if you made a small syntax error 
>in the dpchd.conf or any include files, the service cannot restart.

You'd prefer it if it started with a corrupt config ? What would you 
have it do, ignore anything that wasn't syntactically correct - could 
have 'interesting' effects on your network !


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