problem with dhcp setup

Suprasad Mutalik Desai suprasad.desai at
Tue Jun 12 09:25:10 UTC 2007

Hi all ,

   I am new to DHCP .I am using dhcp-4.0.0a1 version and i have
complied it for IPv6 .i have 2 host m/c .
In host1, i executed dhcpd -6 /etc/dhcpd.conf
dhcpd.conf ----

subnet6 fec0:3::/64{
range6 fec0:3::100/64;
option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers;
allow unknown-clients;

and in host2 , i executed dhclient -6 /etc/dhclient.conf

/etc/dhclient.conf ---

 interface "eth1"{
 send dhcp6.oro 1, 2, 7, 12, 13, 23, 24, 39;
request domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name;

i get an IPv6 address configured on host2 (IPv6 address is random as
this version has some problem with range6).but i dont get domain-name
and domain-name-servers configured .

pls guide me . is there anything i need to add in configuration file ?


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