what is functionality of 'execute_statement_in_scope'

DA Ming Ming.Da at alcatel-sbell.com.cn
Wed Nov 7 07:59:56 UTC 2007

Hi all

I've seen in the source code that in many functions,
'execute_statement_in_scope()' is called. 

I've checked the comments and the codes, but unfortunately still can not
catch what this function mean and its purpose to be called. I am not
sure whether this function has any influence to the context, and further
to my private codes added.

Can anybody explain it for me? Hope this problem is not a foolish one as
it seems.

Thanks a lot!


Best Regards!


( +86-25-84731240-5109 / (Alcanet) 2735-5109

@ Ming.Da at alcatel-sbell.com.cn


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