Lease file questions

Bruce Hudson Bruce.Hudson at Dal.Ca
Mon Nov 19 19:54:32 UTC 2007

>> Interestingly, I've looked up the first three bytes of the hardware 
>> address, and they aren't allocated to anyone for use in ethernet.
> Does this tell you that it isn't a RAC connection then?

    The second bit of the first byte of the ethernet address is set so
the address is "not globally unique". Very few of these addresses are
registered. The only ones I can think of were the old DECnet ethernet
addresses. (DECnet relied on changing the system's ethernet address to
include the layer-3 network address as an alternative to ARP.)
Bruce A. Hudson				| Bruce.Hudson at Dal.CA
UCIS, Networks and Systems		|
Dalhousie University			|
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada		| (902) 494-3405

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