Failover + PXE

Sten Carlsen sten at
Sun Nov 25 09:36:46 UTC 2007

Glenn Satchell wrote:
>> Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 18:06:35 +0100
>> From: Sten Carlsen <sten at>
>> To: dhcp-users at
>> Subject: Re: Failover + PXE
>> Glenn Satchell wrote:
>>> The dhcp servers communicate with each other and so keep the dhcp lease
>>> information synchronised between the two servers.
>>> ... deleted ...
>>> Once upon a time I wrote a simple script that polled the other dhcp
>>> server and switched to partner down if it failed to contact it for 30
>>> minutes. Search the archives, I'm sure it has been posted. It uses
>>> OMAPI to communicate with the dhcp server.
>> I came to think: is there a reason that the function of this script is
>> not included in the servers?
>> I mean they communicate with one another at regular intervals, they have
>> to for the servers to be up to date.
>> If the other server will not answer to the protocol but can be seen with
>> ping or similar, we could go to partner down state immediately and even
>> send a mail to the administrator?
>> If all contact breaks between the two servers, you can not know if this
>> is a minor network problem or a complete break down of the other server.
>> Since this is not implemented yet AFAIK, is there something wrong with
>> this thinking?
>> -- 
>> Best regards
>> Sten Carlsen
> This type of fucntionality is very site and operating system dependant.
> You've already raised many points, eg how to determine contact, time to
> wait, actions, execute something, send email, log a helpdesk ticket,
> etc. The underlying tools, omapi and so on, are provided, the rest
> really is specific to each site.
> I don't think this should be part of the core product, but I imagine
> ISC could include examples in the contrib section of the distribution?
> regards,
> -glenn
Ok, I see what you mean. On the other hand the server is the first to
know that the contact with the peer has been broken. Some generic
mechanism to trigger whatever script still sounds nice to me. Maybe like
the hook provided in dhclient to write resolv.conf?

Best regards

Sten Carlsen

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