
Daniel Paquet daniel.paquet at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 14:02:24 UTC 2007

Just a thing on OMAPI there is a memory leaks in it and if you do alot
of queries your dhcp process will eventually eat up all your server's

I already submited a bug about this with the output of valgrind.

On 9/14/07, Bernd Petrovitsch <bernd at firmix.at> wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-09-14 at 14:03 +0100, Werner Otto wrote:
> [...]
> > Why is it that ISC DHCP does not have a server side API when Microsoft doen?
> - Did you look into the OMAPI thing?
> - Because no one needed and implemented it.
> - Because most ideas from MSFT are of questionable value if you do not
> happen
>   to fit to their idea of operation of the service (which implies
> usually SOHO
>   setups).
>   See: ISC-dhcpd is (similar to other daemons) configured with a textual
> config
>   file. This has the advantage that you can edit it almost anywhere with
> any
>   editor, put it into a SCM, generate it easily from templates or
> scripts (which
>   are done in minutes and can grow if the need grows - no need to
> program or buy
>   some fat "provisioning application").
>   And you really *want* that if you have more then 5 hosts on it.
>   And the first interesting question is therefore: What happens with
>   run-time changed values in such an environment?
>         Bernd
> --
> Firmix Software GmbH                   http://www.firmix.at/
> mobil: +43 664 4416156                 fax: +43 1 7890849-55
>           Embedded Linux Development and Services

Ubuntu est un ancien mot africain qui veut dire "Je ne peux pas
configurer Debian"
Daniel Paquet

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