option 82 logging error

Bruce Hudson Bruce.Hudson at Dal.Ca
Tue Dec 16 17:04:42 UTC 2008

> I don't understand why option 125 is causing my problem. If I'm reading
> RFC3925 correctly, the DISCOVER packet I'm seeing has properly encapsulated
> option 125 information. Using wireshark I can see:
> 7d = that option 125 is set
> 24 = length of this option (36 bytes)
> 0000113d = Enterprise number (Broadcom chipset modem)
> 01 = data-len1 (suboption1)

    Your option 125 is not encapsulated properly. The line above is where
things go wrong; which at some level you seem to realize since you are
labeling the same byte as both "data-len1" and "suboption1". In a properly
encapsulated option, there would be two bytes here: data-len1 telling the
parser how much Broadcom data follows the enterprise number and the first
byte of that data (which happens to be a sub-option number). The length
field is required to allow data for multiple vendors (enterprise numbers)
to co-exist in a single option 125. The fact that the vendor data consists
of a set of encapsulated sub-options is not required. 

    What you have is:

	7d = that option 125 is set
	24 = length of this option (36 bytes)  
	0000113d = Enterprise number (Broadcom chipset modem)
	01 = data-len1 (1 byte of Broadcom data)
	06 = data for Broadcom

	30303232 = Enterprise number  (bad/unknown enterprise number)
	31 = data-len2 (49 bytes of vendor data, which does not exist)
	.... (the rest of the option is irrelevant)

Bruce A. Hudson				| Bruce.Hudson at Dal.CA
UCIS, Networks and Systems		|
Dalhousie University			|
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada		| (902) 494-3405

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