Reload of dhcpd

Tom Schmitt TomSchmitt at
Thu Feb 21 15:41:37 UTC 2008


I have a (maybe stupid) question.

I have two DHCP-servers in failovermode. Now I modify the dhcpd.conf of the running servers and want them to reload the config. In the documentation I found two possibilities to do that and my question is, which of them is the better one? (Or is there a third?)

Possibility 1:
Send a kill-signal to the first server (the peer is going into communication-interrupted) and start it again. Then do the same with the second server.

Possibility 2:
Set the first server via OMAPI to shutdown (the peer is going into partner-down) and start it again. Then do the same with the second server.

Any suggestion what the right way is?

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