Max number of subnets DHCP can handle

Chris Fabri fabric at
Mon Jan 28 21:33:09 UTC 2008

On 1/28/08 2:56 PM, Chris Fabri wrote:
> Bah, both of the tail -f's on the log files were locked up.   I've never 
> seen that before.  Apparently it had timeout out long ago.   The leases 
> files finished writing a bit more than an hour after startup.
> I've just tried stopping the DHCP process on the secondary and creating 
> an empty leases file.   We'll see what happens.    chris

No go.  I'm having the same problems with 1500 subnets vi DHCP v3.1.0 
that I had with 3840.   One server spends all it's time balancing pools, 
and the other eventually time's out the failover connection.     It's 
not looking promising for using 3.1.0.  I'm going to get 3.0.6 up and 
running and make sure it can actually answer leases.    chris

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