OMAPI Host Object and Duplicate MACs in different subnets

Glenn Satchell Glenn.Satchell at
Tue Jul 8 15:42:10 UTC 2008

If this were being configured in dhcpd.conf then you would assign each
host statement a unique name and it would work. But I see there's no
way to do that in omapi, so I can't see a way to do what you want
without modifying the source.

Mac address is usually supposed to be unique - can you modify the
clients that have the same mac and make it unique?


>Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 12:35:00 -0300
>From: "Caciano Machado" <caciano at>
>To: dhcp-users at
>Subject: Re: OMAPI Host Object and Duplicate MACs in different subnets
>It's not exactly what I need.
>My problem is: different machines which have the same MAC address but
>are in different subnets. They may have different configurations.
>Anyway, I tried to create a host entry with the parameter
>fixed-address using more than one IP, but it's not possible. OMAPI
>takes only the first argument.
>Any ideas?
>Caciano Machado
>On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 12:00 PM, Glenn Satchell
><Glenn.Satchell at> wrote:
>>>Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 11:47:44 -0300
>>>From: "Caciano Machado" <caciano at>
>>>To: dhcp-users at
>>>Subject: OMAPI Host Object and Duplicate MACs in different subnets
>>>I have a problem with the following scenario:
>>>A central DHCP server and many subnets which forward the DHCP requests
>>>through DHCP relays. The central server is managed via OMAPI. We
>>>manage static hosts configurations using it.
>>>The problem occurs when a subnet has a duplicate address interface...
>>>ISC DHCP don't permit this situation using OMAPI even if the
>>>interfaces are in different subnets. OMAPI doesn't have a way to tell
>>>to DHCP in which subnet the host is located.
>>>Anyone has a solution to this problem?
>>>Caciano Machado
>> In dhcpd.conf it is legal to have more than one address in the
>> fixed-address statement.
>> For example if you have one host which might need fixed addresses in
>> more than one subnet you can use:
>> host mylaptop {
>>  hardware ethernet c:0:f:f:e:e;
>>  fixed address,,;
>> }
>> Can you do this with omapi commands? Select using the mac address, then
>> add multiuple IP addresses?
>> set ip-address =,,
>> I'm not able to test this here, but it might be worth trying.
>> regards,
>> -glenn

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