specify dhcp log location

Glenn Satchell Glenn.Satchell at uniq.com.au
Fri Sep 19 13:01:13 UTC 2008

>Hi all 
>        Now,my dhcp server's default log file is "/var/log/messages",there
>are so many  dhcpd log message (millions everyday) that a hard work foe me
>to seek no-dhcpd log.
>       Can i change the dhcpd's log to other place
>Thanks in advance!
man dhcpd.conf
man syslog

In /etc/dhcpd.conf:
- if local7 is already in use there is local0 through local7 to choose from.

log-facility local7;

In /etc/syslog.conf
- you can use a lower facility, eg notice or err instead of debug to
  get fewer messages.
- older versions of syslog must use tabs, not spaces

local7.debug             /var/log/dhcp/dhcpd.log

then touch /var/log/dhcp/dhcpd.log
restart syslog
restart dhcpd


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