Assign static IP by Option 82 agent.remote-id

Billy Ng mondeo1055 at
Wed Dec 23 03:48:53 UTC 2009

Dear All,

I'd like to assign a static IP address to the client by the agent.remote-id field "VP111222" as follow:

lease {
  starts 3 2009/12/23 03:40:01;
  ends 3 2009/12/23 04:10:01;
  tstp 3 2009/12/23 04:25:01;
  tsfp 3 2009/12/23 04:10:00;
  cltt 3 2009/12/23 03:40:01;
  binding state active;
  next binding state expired;
  billing subclass "AGENT_ID" "VP111222";
  hardware ethernet 00:18:ba:33:dc:9a;
  uid "\000cisco-0018.ba33.dc9a-Fa0";
  option agent.circuit-id "JDNS504|99411010|5/2/6:2002.*";
  option agent.remote-id "VP111222";
  option agent.unknown-9 0:0:19:7f:a:5:8:56:50:32:32:32:31:31:31;
  client-hostname "C1811-R";

Would you please kindly recommend how to configure the class match with the agent.remote-id = "VP111222" (in ascii format) in the dhcpd.conf? Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,

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