Specify different pxeclients "next-server" for different subnet?

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at cmu.edu
Fri Jan 9 22:25:50 UTC 2009

--On Friday, January 09, 2009 04:56:16 PM -0500 Drew Weaver 
<drew.weaver at thenap.com> wrote:

>         set pxe_server = "";

No quotes here; it makes a difference.
Now that I think about it, the server might not accept an IP address here; 
in theory, the RHS of an assignment can be any expression type, but I can't 
remember if the parser is clever enough to do the right thing with an IP 
address.  Perhaps someone who touches the parser internals more often than 
I would like to comment (David?).

> I also tried replacing option server.next-server = pxe_server; with
> next-server pxe_server;

That won't work.  Without the =, it becomes an option declaration rather 
than an executable-statement, with the result that it's processed too early 
and that the RHS is treated as a hostname/ip address and not as an 

-- Jeff

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