Solving POOLREQ... how?

Jeffrey Collyer jwc3f at
Mon Jul 13 18:22:16 UTC 2009

So I have a pair of ubuntu linux 8.04 servers running DHCP 4.1.0 with a 
large config (a little over 500 shared network declarations).  And 
everything was running great with no problems for about a month since I 
first built them.

Then I added a set of about 20 networks to the config on each machine 
and upon restart I start seeing this on the primary :

Jul 13 14:07:39 primary dhcpd: peer fopeer: Got POOLREQ, answering 
negatively!  Peer may be out of leases or database inconsistent.

and this on the secondary.

Jul 13 14:07:39 secondary dhcpd: pool response: 0 leases

As far as I can tell none of my pools are even close to being out of 
addresses, the config files for the added networks are identical on both 
machines.  So far I haven't been able to find a config difference 
between the machines that would account for this.

So I assumed it to be something in the leases file, and hoped that the 
machines would re-balance themselves.  I've let them run for over a 
week, and except for an occasional period of time where I would see the 
secondary log

pool response: 1 leases

Can anyone tell me how to interpret and/or troubleshoot this problem. 
This feels oddly like a new version of the "peer holds all free leases" 
problem in older version, which I was hoping to avoid by using the 4.x 
train of software.


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