statistics in a dhcp failover pair

Daniel Duarte dan.r.duarte at
Sun Jul 19 21:22:20 UTC 2009


In order to have a better knowledge of our access network, I'm parsing
the dhcp.leases files from both failover servers to produce
statistics. There are plenty of scripts and examples on the internet,
but I haven't found any that could give valid statistics for a
failover pair.

A typical subnet statistic for me is:

This are my doubts:

1. For each pool, it seems that approximately half of the leases are
missing on the lease file. Is this normal if they have never been
used? Or they should appear as "free"?

2. My analysis is the following:
793 leases are active;
523 are in state free, which mean that they ready to be allocated by
the primary server;
1892 are in state backup, and they are ready to be allocated by the
secondary server;
Is this correct?

3. The total number of available (not used) leases is:
Available = Total Size - Active - Release - Abandoned - Reset - Backup
- Reserved
It means that on this pool I have available 3300 leases. From this,
523 are free, 1892 are backup, and the remaining, 885, have never been
used and are not allocated to the primary or secondary server. Is it

Thanks for the help.
Daniel Duarte

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