Automatic Removal of DHCID TXT Records

Merton Campbell Crockett m.c.crockett at
Mon Nov 2 14:34:20 UTC 2009

Is there a way to define for certain pools that DHCID records are to  
be deleted when a DHCPRELEASE is processed or the lease expires  
without renewal?

I have several VPN access points configured to use an ISC DHCP daemon  
that will dynamically update the forward and reverse DNS zones.  There  
are a lot of "dangling" DHCID records due to the limited address space.

A secondary issue is whether or not there should be a separate forward  
DNS zone defined for a VPN access point instead of using the hosting  
site's forward DNS zone.  I'm wondering if some of the logged DHCID  
issues might be related to users that normally work at the host site  
going home and logging back in through a VPN.

Merton Campbell Crockett
m.c.crockett at

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