dhclient -6 and dhclient-enter-hooks

chrisv at cyberswitching.com chrisv at cyberswitching.com
Wed Aug 11 05:20:24 UTC 2010

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 06:04:33PM -0700, Chris Verges wrote:
> Any ideas?  I'm at a loss for where to even check next.

I took this one step further tonight and added a line to the top of
/sbin/dhclient-script to track when it gets triggered.  Here's the line:

	echo "dhclient-script: `date -R`: $reason" >> /tmp/dhclient.log

I added the same line to dhclient-enter-hook, replacing the prefix

For IPv4, I see the expected PREINIT / BOUND transition written to the
logs.  For IPv6, I only see PREINIT6, yet the interface is configured
with a global IPv6 address.

What is misconfigured?  This has got to be something insanely simple but
masterfully elusive (at the moment.)


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