DNS dynamic update with DHCPD 3.1.3

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at thehobsons.co.uk
Fri Jan 8 09:22:03 UTC 2010

Autuori Gianluigi wrote:
>Sorry but a I had a mistake in named.conf.
>>From dhcpd log I receive:
>dhcpd: Unable to add forward map from camd-03.localtrain to 
> timed out
>So is a configuration problem of bind9?
>can I exclude configuration mistakes of dhcpd?

8k of untrimmed text removed !

It may be a DHCP or BIND config error, you cannot rule one or the other out.

You've already been told what your next step needs to be - enable 
logging on BIND  (if it isn't already) and see what it logs. Chances 
are it will be immediately obvious from the BIND logs what the 
problem is.

If there is nothing logged by BIND, then use a traffic sniffer 
(tcpdump, wireshark) to check that update requests are being sent to 
the right server (assuming it's not on the same machine).

Simon Hobson

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