DHCP Logging

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at thehobsons.co.uk
Sat Jun 26 13:43:02 UTC 2010

Blake Griffin wrote:
>Don't know how this will work for what I want to do.  For options that
>do not exist, I want to place something such as "NONE" or "---" into the
>log statement where the option value would normally go. If those options
>don't exist, the log statement never gets processed.

How about something along the lines of :
a=pick_first_value(option a, "none")
b=pick_first_value(option b, "none")
log concat(a,b,c, ...)

Or you could combine stuff along the lines of :
log concat(pick_first_value(option a, "none"), 
pick_first_value(option b, "none"), ...)

Simon Hobson

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