Old Tired Question: 'Not configured to listen on any interfaces'

Matt Causey matt.causey at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 17:09:50 UTC 2011


I've seen a lot of questions about 'not configured to listen on any
interfaces' but I'm still not clear on something.  Is it a hard
requirement that dhcpd.conf contain a subnet that corresponds to the
subnet of the interface that's meant to be serving dhcpd?

We have this:

/usr/bin/dhcpd -cf /var/etc/dhcpd.conf -lf /var/dhcpd.leases -f eth0

and of course it says:

Not configured to listen on any interfaces!

because we don't have an eth0 subnet in the config.  Well, I don't
want to serve dhcp on eth0's subnet.  What I did as a workaround was
created a /32 subnet declaration for the ip address on eth0 so dhcpd
would run.  But is there not a better way?


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