group allow booting with filename

jeffrey j donovan donovan at
Thu Jun 23 16:50:01 UTC 2011


I have a list of mac addresses that I want allow to boot and a list that I do not. Is the correct synatx ?

group {
deny booting;
host bad-host-1 { hardware ethernet 00:19:e3:06:51:9f; }
host bad-host-2 { hardware ethernet 00:23:4e:5c:04:1e; }

group {
allow booting;
host good-host-1 { hardware ethernet 00:18:f2:17:64:2b; }
host good-host-2 { hardware ethernet 00:19:2a:6e:09:1f; }

if that is correct can I do this ?

group {
deny booting;
include "/var/db/filenamebad";


group {
allow booting;
include "/var/db/filenamegood";


host bad-host-1 { hardware ethernet 00:19:e3:06:51:9f; }
host bad-host-2 { hardware ethernet 00:23:4e:5c:04:1e; }

host good-host-1 { hardware ethernet 00:18:f2:17:64:2b; }
host good-host-2 { hardware ethernet 00:19:2a:6e:09:1f; }

can it read from flat textfile and is there any special syntax i need to add ?

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