dhcpstatus output is right?

GUILLERMO ALVAREZ guillermo.alvarez at ehu.es
Thu Nov 10 14:03:39 UTC 2011

On Nov 9, 2011, at 11:24 AM, GUILLERMO ALVAREZ wrote:

Hello !

I'm trying to resolve a DHCP problem about a big pool balanced between two servers.
Sometimes there are too many clients and the pool is not big enough (clients have to wait for an IP address several minutes!) , furthermore  we can found those logs:

Nov  9 11:37:11 lgux06 dhcpd: pool 997e798 wguest-bizkaia total 967  free 2  backup 2  lts 0
Nov  9 11:37:27 lgux06 dhcpd: pool 997e798 wguest-bizkaia total 967  free 2  backup 2  lts 0
[Only 4 IP free (2 me + 2 otherserver )]

Otherwise , we parse the output of dhcpstatus perl script at the same time (aprox) and we get:
Subnet:    :Netmask: :IP range: - :IPs defined: 965 :IPs used: 704 :IPs free: 263
Subnet:    :Netmask: :IP range: - :IPs defined: 965 :IPs used: 711 :IPs free: 256
[More than 250 IP free]

I thought dhcpstatus  gave me right info, but It seems that's not correct...  or the balance is not working?

I've just check the balance type and It's defined as "split 255" , so almost every IP is served by one server.

How can I know the real use of the pool?

Do you use dhcpstatus script?

hello ,

many times i dump my leases file to a tmpfile and sort by ip address and count the lines. you can see when your scrolling the blocks increment if there is a current lease.

J, thanks for your prompt reply.

So, you don't use dhcpstatus script. You watch directly a copy of the leases file, don`t you?

check for miscreant devices sucking up your ip's. here are my 4 faviorites
tail -f /var/log/dhcpd.log | grep pod
tail -f /var/log/dhcpd.log | grep phone
tail -f /var/log/dhcpd.log | grep droid
tail -f /var/log/dhcpd.log | grep blackberry

give different pools to these devices and you'll find your clients will get their ip's quicker.

Unfortunately, those are the target devices of that subnet .
It's a WiFi network with less security than de official ESSID, just for guests (and casual use) ... but that makes it so successful.
In addition, the security design (captive-portal based) makes easier for devices to get an IP, even if they has not been authenticated yet!

I think I'll add more IPs to the pool...

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