Reload config files automatically as non root

Glenn Satchell glenn.satchell at
Wed Nov 16 14:12:09 UTC 2011

On 11/17/11 00:14, Siobhan Keehan wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a user that can add hosts and networks to dhcp, but as they are
> not root do not have the permissions to restart the dhcpd.
> Is there any way of configuring dhcpd to allow it to reread the config
> files automatically for example every minute
> Thanks

You could have a script run from cron every minute. In the script check 
the modification time of the dhcpd.conf file, plus any included files. 
If changed since the previous check then do a syntax check (dhcpd -t) 
and if that is ok restart dhcpd.

When you restart dhcpd, touch a reference file in /tmp. Next time you 
run, check if the dhcpd.conf is newer than the reference file, if it is, 
then it must have been updated and dhcpd should be restarted

Something like this:

if [ -f /tmp/ref ]; then
     if [ /etc/dhcpd.conf -nt /tmp/ref ]; then
         touch /tmp/ref
         /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart
     touch /tmp/ref


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