No subject

Fri Feb 17 00:23:59 UTC 2012

the two. If you have many vlans spread over different geographic areas,
it may not make sense to stretch the vlan to each the dhcp server. In
that case a combination may work well, where local vlans are trunked to
the dhcp server, and remote ones are forwarded using dhcp relays.

If you can locate a copy, "The DHCP Handbook", second edition by Ralph
Droms and Ted Lemon gives a lot of good background and theory on dhcp.
It is well worth reading.

There are also documents supplied with the ISD dhcpd distrobution, the
man pages for dhcpd.conf, dhcp-options, dhcp-eval, and dhcpd are worth
printing and reading. There is about 100 pages in total, so there is
quite a comprehensive set of documentation there. In the doc directory
of the source distribution are links to various RFCs which define the
theoretical operation of various aspects of dhcp.

I hope this helps, please keep asking questions if anything is not


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