Static Leases do not work

John Wobus jw354 at
Fri Feb 3 22:51:39 UTC 2012

>> But after the client going offline and and some
>> time passed, the lease is completely gone
> Then something is wrong. The ISC server does NOT remove any lease  
> that is in a currently declared dynamic range. Once an address is  
> issued, then the lease record for that lease will hang around until  
> either the address is removed from a dynamic range or it's  
> reallocated to another client.

Or could this be an issue of editing the lease file while dhcpd is  

As folks here generally know, dhcpd only reads the contents of the  
lease file when dhcpd
is starting up.  Only edit the lease file while dhcpd is not running.

John Wobus

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