dhclient dhcpctl usage

Boaz Ben-David boaz.bd at wellsense-tech.com
Mon Jan 9 09:18:38 UTC 2012

On 01/09/2012 05:49 AM, Ed Ravin wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 08, 2012 at 08:55:37PM +0200, Boaz Ben-David wrote:
>> I need to control the dhcp daemon using c/c++.
>> Can I do this using dhcpctl? I saw a mention of this in the dhclient man page but I could not find any example of this.
> Here's an example - the "omcmd" utility provides a command-line
> interface to the API:
>     http://freecode.com/projects/omcmd
> Attached is a patch for a problem with bad processing of dates
> on Intel platforms that you'll probably want.  Also, the docs
> in the package are a bit out of date, they refer to a problem
> (not able to free leases via the API) that has since been (somewhat
> circuitously) fixed in the server.

Hi and thanks for the reply.

It seems this program provides functionality similiar to omshell, that 
can only help in case of

a DHCP server configuration (as far as I understood). What I need is a 
programmatic way to control a running

DHCP client daemon.

If I misunderstood and omshell and omcmd can also control the DHCP 
client daemon I will be more than happy to




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