[ddns] "update-conflict-detection" and co-existing DHCPv4/v6 servers

Eustace, Glen G.Eustace at massey.ac.nz
Mon Mar 26 20:17:34 UTC 2012

> Client supplied names is a real issue.

Yes they are.  Our solution for IPv4 however does seem to work as we want.

1. We only allow know clients in most of our networks.  The definition of 'known' is that there is a host declaration.  That host declaration includes an 'official' ddns name and this IS the name that dhcpd uses when it updates the DNS
   host alb-at1-01 {
      ddns-hostname "alb-at1-01";
      option host-name "alb-at1-01";
      hardware ethernet 6c:62:6d:a5:f3:ed;

2. Where a network must allow unknowns, e.g. our guest and wireless networks, we generate a ddns name as follows.
      ddns-hostname = concat( "dynip-",
                              binary-to-ascii( 10, 8, "-",
                                               suffix( leased-address, 2 )

Trying to integrate IPv6 dhcp has changed the playing field somewhat and is causing quite a few issues.


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