Breaking a failover setup

Steven Carr sjcarr at
Tue Jul 9 15:26:36 UTC 2013

On 9 July 2013 15:42, Blake Hudson <blake at> wrote:
> Should I simply copy the config (sans failover) and the leases file from the
> current primary failover partner to the new server, or do I need to do
> something special to break apart the failover partnership (such as putting
> the secondary server in partner-down state) before migrating the new server?

I would first break the failover by shutting down (and disabling)
DHCPD on the secondary server then on the primary server set it into
partner down, that way it will make sure the leases file is "tidy" and
that the primary server then has full control of the lease pools. Then
copy across the config (sans failover) and leases file to the new
DHCPD server and start it up.

Don't forget to tell the network team to clean up the network config
to remove any forwarders which have been added for the secondary
server that is no longer there.


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