lease starts > ends

Sue True bloomingtonian at
Wed Jun 11 19:32:01 UTC 2014

>   Is, by any chance, one time UTC and one local time?

I think the lease file time are all UTC, this is just what I copied from 
lease file, as you can see the starts time is on June 11th while ends on 
June 10th.

lease {
   starts 3 2014/06/11 11:54:32;
   ends 2 2014/06/10 16:00:56;
   tstp 3 2014/06/11 11:54:32;
   tsfp 3 2014/06/11 11:54:32;
   atsfp 3 2014/06/11 11:54:32;
   cltt 2 2014/06/03 21:38:14;
   binding state backup;
   hardware ethernet 00:1a:a0:c7:b9:03;
   uid "\001\000\032\240\307\271\003";
   set vendor-class1 = "MSFT 5.0";

Also, the subject should be starts > ends, which I had it as starts < ends 
in my first post.


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