Serving DHCPv6 requests from an IPv4 network - possible?

David Jennings dave.jennings at
Mon May 5 02:32:31 UTC 2014

Hello all,

We have a DHCP server on an all-IPv4 network. We would like to start
experimenting with IPv6 configuration and as an initial step I would
like to be able to configure the DHCP server to respond to DHCPv6
requests without moving the server itself from it's IPv4-only address.

Is this possible?

I know that I need to configure a subrange that contains the address of
the interface upon which the server is running, which I've done as follows:


# dhcpd6.conf

shared-network "local" {
         deny booting;
         not authoritative;
         subnet netmask {}

subnet6 2406:DC01:1:1::/64 {
         range6 2406:DC01:1:1::10 2406:DC01:1:1::200;


however when starting the server with the "-6" option I then get the error:

subnet_number():inet.c:53: Addr/mask length mismatch.

which is presumably because I'm mixing IPv4 and IPv6 in the configuration.

So is what I'm trying to do possible? Or do I have to host the DHCP
server on a dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 address?



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