Remove the unspecified gateway from linux routing table

Alex Bligh alex at
Tue Feb 17 21:13:31 UTC 2015

On 17 Feb 2015, at 10:43, Eugène Ngontang <sympavali at> wrote:

>     [root at hostname]# route -n

Nothing to do with dhcpd, but in debugging weird Linux route config problems,
I strongly recommend you to use the "ip route" command (rather than the
"route" command) if your distro supports it. You get shown (and can manipulate)
all sorts of stuff the legacy interface does not provide.

Are you doing anything strange like pxebooting these hosts? If so, it's possible
to gpxeboot to add the default route to the command line (check
   cat /proc/cmdline
to see if it's there), which some distros then stick in the routing table,
in turn causing some DHCP issues.

Further, I suggest you check the obvious (i.e. no other interface stanzas have
a static default route with gateway, and that you aren't running dhcp
on anything you don't mean to be running dhcp on (i.e. aren't getting dhcp
from any other interfaces).

Alex Bligh

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