dhcp v6 4.3.1 impossible condition exit when fixed-prefix6 used

Алексей Прокопчук alexpro at homelan.lg.ua
Tue Jan 13 11:50:47 UTC 2015

13.01.2015 10:12, Alan Buxey пишет:
> From a quick look it appears that your prefix isn't within the parent
> subnet
> alan 
But, if I disable 'fixed-prefix6' in host section, this host
successfully receives v6
prefix from pool, described in top of subnet section
(prefix6 2a02:xxxx:8:101:: 2a02:xxxx:8:11f:: /64;). These prefixes also
within subnet 2a02:xxxx:8:1::/64
In my case is exactly 2a02:xxxx:8:11f/64. Can't understand why I can't get
fixed 2a02:xxxx:8:100/64...

But, maybe you right. I'll try to declare valid subnet for prefixes.

With best regards, Alexey Prokopchuk (AP8686-RIPE)

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